As luck would have it, the sun came out all day on this 70 miler around the Cotswolds. You can't beat the scenery and the proper "Olde English" villages that you pass through. Thatched cottages and maypoles leave you inno doubt where you are. I like to think this photo looks like I have broken away from Alberto Contardor on the Alpe d'huez but it might just be the OAP section of the ride. Mind you even that was a bonus with my current fitness level! (I have paid for the picture by the way)
Thursday, 1 July 2010
As luck would have it, the sun came out all day on this 70 miler around the Cotswolds. You can't beat the scenery and the proper "Olde English" villages that you pass through. Thatched cottages and maypoles leave you inno doubt where you are. I like to think this photo looks like I have broken away from Alberto Contardor on the Alpe d'huez but it might just be the OAP section of the ride. Mind you even that was a bonus with my current fitness level! (I have paid for the picture by the way)
Thursday, 24 June 2010
Dental Implants
Dental Implants are small titanium screws that when integrated into your jawbone allow us to fix teeth securely into the mouth.
Implants have a fantastic long term predictability and many implants are expected to remain in service for in excess of 20 years. Dental implants have changed the lives of many of our patients in our specialised dental implant facility in Birmingham and you can let them tell by logging onto our new dental implant website.
Monday, 14 June 2010
WIll Murphy Implants
At last the new dental implant specific website can be found at
This should give patients a much clearer view on our specialist dental implant services.
Saturday, 27 March 2010
white fillings and personal motivation

I went on a dental course yesterday. How thrilling! but I actually learnt a lot in a very short space of time. The dental press is littered with hundreds of courses which usually go on for days and after my Implant Diploma I can't face that. My dental course attention span is now on a par with "goldfish memory". (By the time they swim around their fishtank they have forgotten what happened 30 seconds ago so it always looks like something new ) However within 2 hours I had learned about all the latest funky white fillings and restored some broken plastic teeth back to shiny new ones with all the clever realistic details. Mr Plastic head was delighted...I think. He didn't say so as such but I could just tell!
We are having another OPEN DAY on MONDAY 19TH APRIL. Lots of goodies and freebies to hand out and of course the usual niceness and friendly advice from the team..
Personally I am struggling to get back on the bike for my Saturday morning rides. Yes the bad weather didn't help but the 6.30 am start in the dark seems less appealing than 14 toggs of warminess. Also I live in fear of breaking a leg before my skiing holiday which I soooooo look forward to. My fav thing in the world (along with curry, steak, rugby, Bathams beer and Reserva Rioja) is being up a mountain on skis. Damned expensive but the family has been told that there's no hot holiday as well. Hence our camping in West Wales, which is fab unless the sideways rain comes in over the sea. In Wales? Surely not!
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Open Day @ Will Murphy Dentistry Friday 5th Feb
It's open day time again.
The practice will be open all day with tours of the surgeries and free dental advice.
Call in meet the team and ask all those questions about routine, cosmeic and implant dentistry that you really wanted answers for.
Will Murphy Dentistry - 51 Newhall St Birmingham City Centre
The practice will be open all day with tours of the surgeries and free dental advice.
Call in meet the team and ask all those questions about routine, cosmeic and implant dentistry that you really wanted answers for.
Will Murphy Dentistry - 51 Newhall St Birmingham City Centre
Friday, 15 January 2010
A diploma in smuggness

Have you ever had a monkey on your shoulder? This is a metaphorical monkey although if you go to Gibraltar I believe that real ones are all the rage. Anyhow my metaphorical monkey sits on my shoulder and flicks my ear, again and again and again... Then he whispers in my ear. Not sweet nothings but tells me about all the things I've neglected and should be doing. It's September 09 and metaphorical monkey (lets call him MM to save my repetitive strain injury (RSI in case I want to use this symptom again!)) is happily whispering in my ear "you remember that Implant Diploma at the Royal College of Surgeons, that you got so excited about, spent sooo much money on and used to work so hard at and have shelved whilst you build a new practice?,'ve built your new practice and now you have no excuse!"
"I know monkey but look at all these pencils that need sharpening or those paper clips that should be tidier in my draw and I haven't even checked the online weather forecast for over an hour..."
So that was it, excuses abandoned and a commitment to my imaginary primate that I would indeed complete the Diploma. Late nights and early morning were spent gathering photos, finding x-rays and collecting models so that I could present my 10 best cases to the examiners in London. Week after week went by until I reached submission day...and missed submission day.. but bless them a 2 day extension was granted. I've occasionally wondered why I have children however one Sunday afternoon as this child labour production line was putting documents into folders and sticking on page numbers it all made sense. Don't worry they are a savvy work force and excessive bribes and good working conditions were negotiated!
And that was it, they were gone. All 10 case submitted and out of my hands. All I had to do was wait and see if I had made it into the exam.
At last the call came and I was granted access to the final exam. The Holy of Holies..a 40 minute verbal exam at the Royal college of Surgeons. Oh well whats the worst that could happen?
Monday before the Friday exam. Phone call...
"Dr Murphy, 5 of your cases have been detained by US customs"
"Is that the 5 cases I was planning to topple and corrupt the free western world with or the 5 cases that have pictures of old ladies with plastic dentures in?"
When life gets too surreal it's best not to ask too many questions. Lets just say by 5am the following morning 5 of the deadliest terrorist inciting cases ever to threaten our democratic existence were reproduced for said examiners.
I better get Cheryl and Danni as my examiners I thought to myself as I approached the examination room.
Just my luck it was the dental worlds equivalent of Louis and Simon!
40 of the longest minutes later and I was out. Sweaty palms and a dry mouth that could only be rectified with a fermented beverage..or two.
One week later and the letter hit the mat. That sickky O' level (giving my age away) feeling was back again. PASSED. read it again and again. The feeling seemed to be more relief than ecstasy. However as I passed a mirror I did think
"God I look smug, but never again.......mind you that Fellowship looks interesting......."
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